Karnival is celebrated throughout all of Germany. It is claimed to be the "fifth season" in Germany, its celebrated all throughout Lent until Easter. The beginning day of it is November 11th , people dress us as clowns and there are parades. There is a Woman week for Karnival when the woman can kiss any guy they want after they cut their tie. Then there is Rose Monday where there is a giant parade with floats. People throw confetti and toys. They also have costume balls.
I am surprised on how long it is and how many people celebrated. Here in America we have many holidays where we have parades such as Thanksgiving and St.Patricks day and we all come together and celebrate but only for that day. I admire for the Germans to have that much commitment to celebrate something for that long period of time. I feel as if us Americans don't have the desire or time for such things. Which us unfortunate. What does suprise me is the nudity in the floats. If there was any nudity in the floats in American Parades I bet you there will be a riot. I also find it funny that they mock their politics. Which would also be more shocking in American culture.
It did not change my perception of Germany. It just made it better and realized how dedicate German is to their own culture. It is important because it brings people together to celebrate a important event. It helps the culture grow stronger and keeps people together and helps the community become stronger.
I think the floats would be about hating Greece, Gas Prices , and American pulling out of the war.
I agree i don't think that Americans have the desire to celebrate for that long. I know that around Christmas I'm just about done with celebrating anymore holidays, I always end up spending too much money.