Website source,,15621262,00.html
Berlin is not only the capital of Germany, but is one of the most visited cities for tourist. In the article Berliners feel as if their beloved city is becoming over populated by tourist and are destroying their city. The article made me feel more bad for the tourist then I did for the citizens of Berlin. I believe that cities make themselves "ultimate tourist destination" because everyone wants to make money and know that tourist will be willing to spend money in a country they have never been to before.
American cities such as New york city and L.A are the same way, they complain about all the tourist and how it is destroying their city as well. I think people are overreactiing and should be more appricative about the toursit who come and visit their City. It should make them proud and want to teach the tourist things about the city they do not already know about.
I agree with your sentiments to this article; how does a city make it economically with out the tourist sector. To amplify what you said, what would NYC be like or even Cincinnati (which was more recently named one of the top places to travel to in USA- more than Hawaii) without those tourist. I know when I lived in Virginia Beach it was a bit of an inconvenience during the tourist season. But i never wished they were not there. Realizing the help the tourist were providing for the economy.